Biography of Dr L Malleswara Rao
Dr L Malleswara Rao was born in Narsapur, West Godavari District (A.P), India, in 1966. He received B.Sc degree in Science from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India, in 1984, and the M.Sc degree in Physics and M.Phil degree in Atmospheric Sciences on the topic of “A Study on the low Latitude Amplitude Scintillations”, from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India in 1989 and 2002 (M.Phil Dissertation awarded on 15-02-2002) respectively. He received the Ph.D degree in Meteorology, Department of Meteorology & Oceanography, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India in 2012 (Ph.D. thesis awarded on 24-11-2012), on the topic of “A Study on the Onset and Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon and Teleconnections”.… Click Here for More details
H.No. 6-9-3/1 Near Ravindra Bharathi School Josyula Vari Street, NARSAPUR-534275 WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT ANDHRA PRADESH Narsapur - 534275 &
Faculty Unique ID: 452228
Organised Seminars/Workshops:
1. Organised One Day National Workshop on “Emerging Trends In Renewable Energy Resources” by Department of Physics on 3rd August, 2019.
2. Organised One Day National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Climatic Changes — An Alarming Issue” by Department of Physics on 21st December,2019.
3. Organised One Day National Webinar on “Nanostructured Materials for Controlling Flow of Light” 5th June, 2020, 5 PM to 6.30 PM Organized by Department of Physics, Sri. Y.N.
College (A), Narsapur in association with IQAC.
4.Organised One Day National Webinar on “Effects of Global Warming and Climate Change” 12th November, 2021, 10.30 AM to 12.00 Noon Organized by Departments of Physics & Chemistry, Sri D.N.R Government Degree College (W), Palakol.
Research Publications & Seminars:
1. Naidu, C. V., K. Durgalakshmi, K. Muni Krishna, S. Ramalingeswara Rao, G. C. Satyanarayana, P. Lakshminarayana, and L. Malleswara Rao. (2009): Is summer monsoon rainfall decreasing over India in the global warming era? Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR), VOL. 114, D24108, doi: 10.1029/ 2008JD011288, 2009. (ISSN: 0148-0227 (Print), 2156-2202 (Online), Impact Factor: 3.303, UGC Journal No.28310). (Citations:95)
2. C. V. Naidu, G. Ch. Satyanarayana*, K. Durgalakshmi, L. Malleswara Rao and K. Nagaratna (2010). Is winter monsoon rainfall over South Peninsular India increasing in global warming era?, Global and Planetary Change (GPC), 72, 69–72. (ISSN: 0921-8181, Impact Factor: 2.766, UGC Journal No.287944). (Citations:05)
3. Naidu, C. V., K. Durgalakshmi, G. C. Satyanarayana, L. Malleswara Rao, S.S.V. S. Ramakrishna, J. Rama Mohan and K. Nagaratna. (2011): An observational evidence of climate change during global warming era, Global Planetary Change (GPC), 79, 11-19. . (ISSN: 0921-8181, Impact Factor: 2.766, UGC Journal No.287944). (Citations:12)
4. Naidu, C. V., G. Ch. Satyanarayana*, K. Durgalakshmi, L. Malleswara Rao, G. Jeevana Mounika and A. Dharma Raju (2012): Changes in the frequencies of northeast monsoon rainy days in the global warming? Global and Planetary Change (GPC), 92–93, 40–47. (ISSN: 0921-8181, Impact Factor: 2.766, UGC S.No.287944). (Citations:13)
5. C. V. Naidu, L. Malleswara Rao, G.Ch. Satyanarayana, K. Durgalakshmi, A. Dharma Raju and G. Jeevana Mounika (2015): Anomalous behavior of Indian summer monsoon in the warming environment. Earth-Science Reviews (ESR), 150, 243-255, August, 2015 (ISSN: 0012-8252, Impact Factor: 9.452 UGC Journal No. 12359). (Citations:95)
6. Dr ARS Kumar, Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Ch.Kanaka Rao & Ch.Sundar Singh (2016): Present and Future Trends in India’s Higher education. International Journal of Academic Research (IJAR), 58-62, Vol -3.Issue-2(1), February, 2016 (ISSN: 2348-7666, Impact Factor: 3.075).
7. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr ARS Kumar, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao and P.Ramakrishna Rao (2016): Academic Development of Higher Education in India. International Journal of Academic Research (IJAR), 169-171, Vol-3.Issue-3(2), March, 2016 (ISSN: 2348-7666, Impact Factor: 3.075).
8. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr ARS Kumar, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao and P.Ramakrishna Rao (2016): Curriculum Design and Development in Higher Education. International Journal of Academic Research (IJAR), 169-171, Vol-3.Issue-8(2), August, 2016 (ISSN: 2348-7666, Impact Factor: 3.656).
9. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, P.Ramakrishna Rao & K Ram Narayana (2016): Effect of Global Warming and Climate Change on Natural Resources. Energy & Ecology-2016 Proceedings of the Seminar, 4th -5th October, 2016, Roshan Publications, 147-153, October, 2016 (ISBN: 978-93-86251-20-6).
10. Dr ARS Kumar , Dr.APV Appa Rao, Dr.L Malleswara Rao & Ch. Sundar Singh (2016): Globalisation and its Imapact on the Environment. Energy & Ecology-2016 Proceedings of the Seminar, 4th -5th October, 2016, Roshan Publications, 47-52, October, 2016 (ISBN: 978-93-86251-20-6).
11. Dr ARS Kumar, Dr.L Malleswara Rao, K. Venkateswarlu (2017): Higher Education in India- the Road to progress. International Journal of Academic Research (IJAR), 141-144, Vol-4.Issue-1(1), January, 2017 (ISSN: 2348-7666, Impact Factor: 4.535).
12. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, P.Ramakrishna Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao, Dr ARS Kumar & Ch. Kanaka Rao (2017): A Role of Yoga in Education-Benefits & Challenges”. International Journal of Health, Physical education & Computer Science in Sports (IJHPECSS), 19th -20th June, 2017, Volume 26, No.2, pp: 91-94. (ISSN: 2231-3265, Impact Factor: 3.565).
13. Dr. K. Nageswara Rao, Dr.L Malleswara Rao & Dr. K. Venkateswarlu (2017): “The Role of Yoga in Physical Education. International Journal of Health, Physical education & Computer Science in Sports (IJHPECSS), 19th-20th June, 2017, Volume 26, No.2, pp: 91-94. (ISSN: 2231-3265, Impact Factor: 3.565).
14. Dr ARS Kumar, Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao, J Rama Mohan, P.Ramakrishna Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh and Dr K. Ramnarayana (2017): Raman Spectroscopy in nanotechnology Applications. International Journal of Academic Research (IJAR), 62-68, Vol-4.Issue-6(1), June, 2017 (ISSN: 2348-7666, Impact Factor: 6.023).
15. P.Ramakrishna Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr ARS Kumar, Dr.L Malleswara Rao & Dr.APV Appa Rao (2017): A Role of IQAC in improving quality in Higher Education & RUSA. International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies (IJLESS), 56-61, Vol-4.Issue-2, April-June, 2017 (ISSN: 2455-0418, Impact Factor: 4.1).
16. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, Dr ARS Kumar, P.Ramakrishna Rao, & Ch. Kanaka Rao (2017): Disaster management: Prevention, Mitigation & Preparedness. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER), 206-212, Vol-6.Issue-6(4), June, 2017 (ISSN: 2277-7881, Impact Factor: 4.527, UGC Journal No.41602).
17. Dr.APV Appa Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.L Malleswara Rao & P.Ramakrishna Rao (2017): Role and Responsibilities of Teacher and Student in Building Modern India. International Journal of Current Advanced Research (IJCAR), 5971-5973, Vol-6.Issue-09, September, 2017 (ISSN: O: 2319-6475, ISSN: P: 2319-6505, Impact Factor: SJIF: 5.995, UGC Journal No.43892).
18. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao & J Rama Mohan (2017): ICT and E-Learning-Catalysts for Quality Education. Proceedings of the Seminar, 15th -16th December, 2017, Roshan Publications, 107-113, December, 2017 (ISBN: 978-93-86251-92-3).
19. Dr.L.Malleswara Rao, Dr. K. Nageswara Rao, Dr. K. Venkateswarlu & Dr. Ch. Kanaka Rao (2017): Environmental Protection: Issues & Challenges. Journal of Indian Council for Business Education (ICBE), 375-380, March, 2018 (ISBN: 978-81-935990-0-6).
20. Dr.APV Appa Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.L Malleswara Rao & P.Ramakrishna Rao (2018): Science in Indian History. Journal of Andhra Pradesh History Congress, 6th & 7th January, 2018. Proceedings of the Forty Second Session of AP History Congress, Narsapur, Sl.No.39, January, 2019 (ISSN: 2320-057X).
21. J Rama Mohan, Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao, P.Ramakrishna Rao, Dr K. Ramnarayana and Ch. Sundar Singh (2018): The Upcoming Energy Revolution-Green Energy. Journal of American Institute of Physics (AIP), 9th & 10th February, 2018. AIP Conference Proceedings 1992, 040001 (2018);, 3rd August, 2018.
22. Dr.APV Appa Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr K. Ramnarayana, Ch. Sundar Singh and P.Ramakrishna Rao (2018): Solar Energy in India-Present and Future. International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI), 06-11, Vol.2, Special Issue, February, 2018 (ISSN: O: 2319-6734, ISSN: P: 2319-6726, Impact Factor: 5.962, UGC Journal No.2573).
23. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao, J Rama Mohan & P.Ramakrishna Rao (2017): Global Warming-Environmental protection. International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies (IJLESS), 22-27, Vol-5.Issue-3, July-Sept, 2018 (ISSN: 2455-0418, Impact Factor: 6.01).
24. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao, J Rama Mohan & P.Ramakrishna Rao (2018): ICT and E-Learning-catalysts for Quality of Education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 326-330, Vol.5, Issue 11, November, 2018 (ISSN: 2349-5162, Impact Factor: 5.87, UGC Journal No.63975).
25. J Rama Mohan, Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao & P.Ramakrishna Rao (2018): Role of a Teacher in Classroom Management. Proceedings of the Seminar, 19th December, 2018, Roshan Publications, 45-48, December, 2018 (ISBN: 978-93-87540-71-2).
26. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, P.Ramakrishna Rao, Dr K. Ramnarayana and Ch. Sundar Singh (2019): Present and Future Trends of Renewable Energy in India. Research Review Journals (RRJ), International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 28-32, NSSIHSNENRM-2019, Special Issue, January, 2019 (ISSN: 2455-3085 (Online), Impact Factor: 5.87, UGC Journal No. 44945).
27. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, P.Ramakrishna Rao, Dr K. Ramnarayana and Ch. Sundar Singh (2019): Role of Nanomaterials in Energy Storage Devices. Proceedings of UGC sponsored National Seminar (RAMS-19), KY Publications, 208-214, January, 2019(ISBN: 978-93-87769-51-9 (Print), Impact Factor: 5.87, UGC Journal No. ).
28. A. Dharma Raju, C.V. Naidu, P. Vinay Kumar, L. Malleswara Rao And J. Rama Mohan (2019): Relation Between Heat Budget Components And Indian Summer Monsoon, World Ocean Science Congress 2019 (WOSC),22, 25-27 February, 2019.
29. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr K. Ramnarayana and Ch. Sundar Singh (2019): Energy Storage Materials for Supercapacitor. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 208-214, June, 2019 (ISSN: 2349-5162, Impact Factor: 5.87, UGC Journal No.63975).
30. Ch. Kanaka Rao, P Rama Krishna Rao, K.C.S.V.Ramana and L.Malleswara Rao (2019): Present Environmental Issues in India. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 208-214, June, 2019 (ISSN: 2349-5162, Impact Factor: 5.87, UGC Journal No. 63975).
31. Dr. L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr. APV Appa Rao, P Rama Krishna Rao, K Ramnarayana, Ch. Sundar Singh (2019): A role of IQAC: Quality assurance, sustenance and enhancement in higher education, International Journal of Educational Research and Development (IJERD), Vol.1,01,01-04, January, 2019 (ISSN (Online): 2664-7095; ISSN: 2664-7087 (Print) Impact Factor: 5.26 (UGC Approval Serial Number: 2573 & UGC Journal Number: 43302).
32. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, P Ramakrishna Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh, Dr K. Ramnarayana & Dr Ch Kanaka Rao (2020): Green Energy Technologies. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research (JICR), 1078-1083, February, 2020 (ISSN: 00222-1945, Impact Factor: 6.2, UGC-CARE Group ‘II’ Journals list -Serial No. 21259).
Edited Book: (01)
01. Dr. L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr. APV Appa Rao & Ch. Sundar Singh (2019): Digitalization of Education in India-A New Era: Chapter 11, Edited Book, Sucharitha Publications, 74-77, Vol.1, December, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-83927-34-3.
33. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao, J Rama Mohan, P Ramakrishna Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh & KCSV Ramana (2020): Environmental Pollution in India. “Ajanta” International Interdisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal, Volume IX, Issue II, April-June, 2020, pp: 135-140, (ISSN: 2277-5730, Impact Factor: 6.399, Peer Reviewed Referred and UGC-CARE Listed Journal-Serial No. 40776).
34. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh, Dr K. Ramnarayana & P Ramakrishna Rao (2020): Role of Nanomaterials in Nanotechnology. Conference Proceedings of One day online International Conference on Advanced Materials organised by P.C Jabin Science College, Vidyanagar, Hubballi, Karnataka on 20th July, 2020, pp:228-238. (ISBN: 978-93-540815-5-2)
35. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, P Ramakrishna Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh & Dr K. Ramnarayana (2020): Role of ICT in Open and Distance Mode in Teaching Learning Process. “Research Journey” International E-Research Journal (Peer Reviewed & Indexed Journal), Special Issue 249 (A), July, 2020 (E-ISSN: 2348-7143, Impact Factor: 6.625, UGC-CARE Group ‘II’ Journals list -Serial No. ).
36. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh, Dr Ch Kanaka Rao & P Ramakrishna Rao (2020): Renewable Energy Technologies: Future Roadmap. E-Abstract Proceedings of 3-day International Virtual Conference on Impact of Chemical Disasters on BIOTA (ICDB-2020) on 24th-26th July, 2020, Organised by Andhra University Visakhapatnam and Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences.
37. J Rama Mohan, Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao, P Ramakrishna Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh & Dr K. Ramnarayana (2020): Usage of ICT E-Learning tools in Distance Education. E-Proceedings of 2 day International Webinar on Online Programme in Distance Education (OPDE-2020) on 2nd & 3rd July, 2020 organised by Department of Education, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu.
38. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, P Ramakrishna Rao & Ch. Sundar Singh (2020): Usage of Carbon Nanotubes in Energy Storage. E-Abstract Book Proceedings (RDMPMC2020) of National Online Conference on Research and developments in Materials Processing, Modelling and Characterisation 2020 (RDMPMC-2020) on 26th & 27th August, 2020 organised by Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NIT, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. (S.No.81)
39. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan (2020): Disaster Management in India: Prevention, Mitigation & Preparedness. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research JETIR), Volume 7, Issue 8, August, 2020 (ISSN: 2349-5162, Impact Factor: 5.87, UGC Journal No. 63975).
40. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, P Ramakrishna Rao & Ch. Sundar Singh (2020): Biodiversity in India: Threats and Conservation. E-Proceedings of International e-Conference on Innovation in Rural Empowerment, Social Dynamics and Welfare in India, 15th September 2020 organised by Department of Management Studies, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamil Nadu,pp:67 (ISBN: 978-93-877483-6-1).
41. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, P Ramakrishna Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh & Dr K. Ramnarayana (2020): Impact of Covid 19 on the Environment. “Ajanta” International Interdisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal, Volume IX, Issue III, July-September, 2020, pp:25-32 (ISSN: 2277-5730, Impact Factor: 6.399, Peer Reviewed Referred and UGC-CARE Listed Journal-Serial No. 40776).
42. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh, Dr Ch Kanaka Rao & P Ramakrishna Rao (2020): A Positive Effect of Nanotechnology on Global Warming. Abstract Proceedings of First International Virtual Conference on Nanomaterials (FIVCON-2020) on 10th -12th September, 2020 organised by Department of Nanotechnology, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, pp: 54.
43. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh, P Ramakrishna Rao & Dr Ch Kanaka Rao (2020): Impact of Technology in Teaching Programs. Conference Proceedings of 3 Day International E-Conference On Multidisciplinary Education System (Transforming India Into Digital Economy), Divya Lakshmi Publishers and Distributors, Lohia Nagar-Meerut, Edition: 2020, Pp: 95-100 (ISBN: 978-93-90226-05-4).
44. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh, Dr Ch Kanaka Rao & P Ramakrishna Rao (2020): Role of Yoga in Education and Physical Education. “Ajanta” International Interdisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal, Volume IX, Issue III, October-December, 2020, pp:141-146 (ISSN: 2277-5730, Impact Factor: 6.399, Peer Reviewed Referred and UGC-CARE Listed Journal-Serial No. 40776).
45. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, & P Ramakrishna Rao (2020): Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity in India. “Akshar Wangmay” Peer Reviewed International Research Journal, Special Issue-I, pp: 38-47, September, 2020 (ISSN: 2229-4929, Impact Factor: 6.2, UGC-CARE Group ‘II’ Journals list -Serial No. 21259).
Edited Books (05):
02. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao J Rama Mohan, P Ramakrishna Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh (2020): Role of Women in Science and Technology. Chapter-5, Published Book, “Human Rights: Issues, Challenges and Present Status” Anu books, New Delhi, First published July, 2020 (ISBN: 978-93-90115-16-7).
03. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh, Dr Ch Kanaka Rao & P Ramakrishna Rao (2020): Higher Education Sector in India in the post COVID 19 Era: Issues & Challenges. Chapter 3, Published Book, Maharaja Agrasen University Publication, New Delhi, First edition, 2020 (ISBN: 978-81-942547-4-4)
04. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh, Dr Ch Kanaka Rao & P Ramakrishna Rao (2020): Impact of Covid 19 on Education and Economy in India. Chapter 22, Published Book, Likhitha Publications, Kakinada, First Edition 13th September, 2020 pp: 136-140 (ISBN: 978-81-947061-2-0)
05. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao, J Rama Mohan, P Ramakrishna Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh & KCSV Ramana (2020): Renewable Energy Resources in India. Chapter 8, Walnut Publication, Bhubaneswar, First published in November, 2020, pp: 78-87 (ISBN: 978-893902616-7-3).
06. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, J Rama Mohan, Dr.APV Appa Rao, P Ramakrishna Rao & Ch. Sundar Singh (2021): MOOCs: “A New Era in Online Teaching”. Edited Book ”COVID 19: Pedagogical Issues, Challenges And Opportunities”. Chapter 2, Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, First published in March, 2021, pp: 17-30 (ISBN: 978-93-88804-99-8).
2021-2022 (02):
46. Dr.L Malleswara Rao, Dr.APV Appa Rao, Ch. Sundar Singh & P Ramakrishna Rao (2022): Sustainable Development of Solar Energy in India. “International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS)” Peer reviewed, open access online international journal. , Special Issue, 11(1), pp: 762-768, January, 2022 (ISSN: 2277-4998, Impact Factor: 3.789, Web of Science Indexed, UGC-Approved Journal.
47. Dr.L Malleswara Rao (2022): Climate Change Impacts on green Energy Technologies. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.7, Special Issue-2, pp: 1-7, Jan-Feb,, 2022 (ISSN: 0974-5823, Impact Factor: 2.1, (IJME is a Peer reviewed, Scopus Indexed and UGC-CARE List Group II Listed. (Scoupus indexed and UGC care 11 Journal) Impact factor 2.1).
1. Participated in Seminar on “Higher Education: Vision 2020”, 10th January, 2000 held at Sri.Y.N.College, Narsapur. W.G.Dt. (AP).
2. Participated in the National seminar on “Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics- the Present and Future”, 18th & 19th December, 2004, conducted by Dept. of Physics, Sri. Y.N. College, Narsapur and presented a paper on “Ionospheric irregularities and their association with the vertical motion of F-layer over Waltair”.
3. Participated in the National seminar on “Cyclone, Earthquake, Tsunami & Disaster Management”, 31st July & 1st August, 2006, conducted by Dept. of Physics, Ch.S.D.St. Theresa’s (Autonomous) College for Women, Eluru and presented a paper on “Disaster awareness- Cyclogenetic System”.
4. Participated in the National seminar on “Emerging Trends in Physics Education and Experienmental Physics (NSPE 2006)”, 27th & 28th October, 2006, conducted by Dept. of Physics, VSR & NVR Degree College, Tenali and presented a paper on “Role of e-Learning in Education”.
5. Participated in a National seminar on “Gandhian and Rural Development”, 1st Dec. 2006, conducted by Gandhian Studies Centre, Sri. Y.N. College, Narsapur.
6. Participated in a National Workshop on “Mixed Signal Processing & Recent Advances in Electronics”, 21st December, 2006, conducted by Science & Instrumentation Centre, College of Science & Technology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
7. Participated in a National Workshop on “Low Power VLSI Design & Technology”, 3rd February, 2007, conducted by Science & Instrumentation Centre, College of Science & Technology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
8. Participated in the National Seminar on “National Calamities-Role of Scientists and Administrators”, 2nd February, 2008, conducted by Dept. of Physics, Sri. Y.N. College, Narsapur and presented papers on “Floods of Maharashtra” and “Floods –Disaster Management”.
9. Presented a paper on “ Variable Trends in Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall” in International workshop on “Weather Modifications Technologies & Symposium on Natural Disaster Management-2008”, 27th -29th June, 2008, Organized by Centre for Atmospheric Sciences and Weather Modification Technologies, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University ( JNTU), Hyderabad.
10. Attended a Refresher Course on “Curriculum of First Year Degree Course under Graduate”, during 8th & 9th November, 2008 conducted by Department of Physics, College of Science & Technology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
11. Participated in National Seminar on “Role of Biodiversity on Sustainability of the environment” during 7th & 8th March, 2009 conducted by Department of Botany, Sri.Y.N.College, Narsapur and Presented papers “Biodiversity in India” and “Threats to Biodiversity”.
12. Presented a paper on “Variability of Summer Monsoon Rainfall over Five Homogeneous Regions of India” in National Seminar on “Climate Change Causes, Measures and Preparedness” from 24th to 26th August, 2009 held at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, A.P.
13. Participated in Refresher Course on “Frontiers in Atmospheric Sciences”, from 14th June to 25th June, 2010 conducted by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune.
14. Participated in National seminar on “Monsoon and Climate Change”, 30th June, 2010 conducted by Dept. of Meteorology & Oceanography, College of Science & Technology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
15. Participated in National seminar on “Geosciences and Water Resources for Sustainable Development”, during 11th & 12th February, 2011, conducted by Dept. of Geo Physics, College of Science & Technology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
16. Participated in National Conference on “Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing Water Prediction & Climate Change (ARWPCC-2011)”, 10th & 11th March, 2011, conducted by Department of Physics, Sri Venteswara University (SVU), Tirupati and presented a paper on “Spatial Variability of Summer monsoon rainfall and OLR over India” and “Tendencies of Northeast monsoon rainfall over South Peninsular India”.
17. Participated in the International Symposium on “Effects of Emissions & Effluents on Environment (EEEE-2011)” during 23rd & 24tn December 2011, conducted by Dept. of Engineering Chemistry, A.U. College of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and presented a paper on “Variability of winter monsoon rainfall over Rayalaseema”.
18. Presented a paper on “Onset of northeast monsoon over South Peninsular India” in XVII National Space Science Symposium (NSSS-2012) from 14th to 17th February, 2012 conducted by Department of Physics, Sri. Venkateswara University, Tirupati, A.P.
19. Participated in the IITM Golden Jubilee International Conference on “Opportunities and Challenges in Monsoon Prediction in a changing climate (OCHAMP-2012)” conducted by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune from 21st to 25th February, 2012 and presented a paper on “Relationship between the summer monsoon rainfall and the parameters SOI and SST gradient over Indian Ocean”
20. Presented a paper on “Relationship between the Indian Monsoon Index and Summer Monsoon Rainfall over India” in the National Conference on “Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM-12)” during 24th & 25th February, 2012 conducted by P.G. Department of Marine Sciences, Berhampur University, Berhampur (ODISHA).
21. Presented a paper on “Spatial Variations of northeast monsoon rainfall over South Peninsular India” in Second International Workshop on “Frontiers of Atmospheric Physics and Technology” from 1st to 03rd March, 2012 conducted by Department of Physics, Yogi Vemana University (YVU), Kadapa, A.P.
22. Presented a paper on “Violence Against Women in India” in the National Seminar on “Violence Against Women-A Social Challenge” during 8th & 9th November, 2012 conducted by Department of Political Science, Sri D.N.R Govt. Degree for Women, Palakol.
23. Presented a paper on “Renewable Energy Sources-Green Energy” in the National Conference on “Green Energy and Sustainable Methods to meet the growing energy needs of the Nation” during 9th & 10th , November, 2012 conducted by Department of Physics, M.R. College(A), Vizianagaram in collaboration with Department of Physics, Andhra University.
24. National Mission on Education Through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) 2-Week ISTE Workshop On “Engineering Thermodynamics” from 11th December, 2012 to 21st December 2012 conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay.
25. Participated in State level Work Shop on “25 Years of Autonomy; Issues, Achievements and Challenges”, 23rd February, 2013, conducted by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Sri. Y.N. College (A), Narsapur.
26. Presented a paper on “Variability of Northeast Monsoon Rainfall Over Coastal Andhra Pradesh with respect to the Global Parameters” in the International Conference on “Climate Change: Present Concerns”, during 23-24 June, 2013 conducted by Department of Geography, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
27. National Mission on Education Through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) 2-Week ISTE Workshop On “Engineering Mechanics” from 26th November, 2013 to 6th December 2013 conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay.
28. .National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) 2-Week ISTE Workshop on “Signals & Systems” from 2nd January, 2014 to 12th January, 2014 conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Khargpur.
29. Participated in the UGC Sponsored Regional Seminar on “Recent Trends in Climatic Changes and Managing strategies” during 22nd February, 2014, conducted by Dept. of Physics, Sri Y.N. College, Narsapur and presented a paper on “Global Warming and its Impacts on Climate Change”.
30. Participated in National seminar on “Impacts on Climate Change: Successes And challenges in Ocean & Atmospheric Research (SCOAR-2014), during 9th to 11th October 2014, conducted by Dept. of Meteorology & Oceanography, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
31. Presented a paper on “Introduction to Nanotechnology: Looking At Nanoparticles” in the National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Spectroscopy 2014 (NSRTS 2014)” during 11th December, 2014, conducted by Department of Physics, D.N.R. College (A), Bhimavaram.
32. National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) TWO – WEEK ISTE Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on” Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education” Under the Physical participation at Remote centers during 05th – 07th January and 19th – 21st January 2015 One- week equivalent of work to be completed online, during 08th – 18th & 22nd – 31st January 2015 Conducted by Department of computer Science and engineering, IIT Bombay.
33. Presented a paper on “Global warming and its impacts on climate of India” in the National Seminar on “Global trends in Earth’s Climate-From recent Observations” during 3rd &4th February, 2015, conducted by Department of Physics, Ch.S.D.St.Theresa’s (A) college for Women, Eluru, W.G.Dt (AP).
34. Participated Two day Regional Workshop on “Choice Based Credit System” during 3rd & 4th September, 2015 organized by UGC, SERO, Hyderabad & Sri DNR Govt. Degree College for Women, Palakol.
35. Participated in the Faculty development Programme cum workshop on “Light Emitting devices & Materials (LEDM-2015)” on 20th November, 2015, conducted by Dept. of Physics, Government college, Rajahmundry.
36. Participated in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Promoting Excellence in Higher Education-Issues and Challenges” during 8th and 9th January,2016 conducted by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Sri Y.N. College, Narsapur and presented a paper on “Present and Future Trends in India’s Higher education”
37. Participated in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “The required Benchmarks for Quality Sustenance and Quality Enhancement” on 23rd January, 2016 conducted by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Ideal College of Arts and Science, Kakinada and presented a paper on “Academic Development of higher education in India”.
38. Participated in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Recent Advance in Spectroscopy Techniques” on 19th & 20th February, 2016 conducted by Department of chemistry, K.G.R.L Govt. Aided Degree College (A), Bhimavaram and presented a paper on “Raman Spectroscopy in Nanotechnology Applications”.
39. Participated in the National Workshop on “Building Smart Villages-Leveraging Open Innovations” on 10th June, 2016 conducted by IQAC MVNJS & RVR College of Arts & Science Malikipuram.
40. Participated in the Two day National Seminar on “Energy & Ecology” on 4th & 5th October, 2016 conducted by Department of Physics, CR Reddy Autonomous College, Eluru and presented papers on “Effect of Global Warming and Climate Change on Natural Resources” and “Globalization and Its Impact on the Environment”.
41. Participated in the National Workshop on “Dynamics of Teaching, Learning activity in the present context” on 11th November, 2016 conducted by DNR Govt. Degree College for Women, Palakol.
42. Participated in the Two day National Seminar on “Institutional quality maintaince and improvement” on 21st & 22nd January, 2017 conducted by IQAC, Ideal College of Arts & Sciences (A), Kakinada and presented a papers on “Role of a Teacher in Higher Education: The Indian Perspective and ICT: A revolutionary Technique in teaching Learning process”.
43. Participated in UGC sponsored Two day International Seminar on “Role of Physical Education and Yoga in Human Development” on19th & 20th June, 2017 conducted by Department of Physical Education and IQAC, SKSD Mahila Kalasala(A), Tanuku and presented two papers on “Role of Yoga in Education-Benefits and Challenges” and ”A Role of Yoga in Physical Education”.
44. Participated in 2nd International Conference on “Green Development in Tropical Regions-2017 Challenges and Strategies for global sustainable and green economic development (CSGSGED)” on 26th-28th , July, 2017 conducted by Department of Management Studies, Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajahmundry and presented two papers on “Environmental Degradation: Disaster Management” and “The Role Of Biodiversity in Ecosystem Services”.
45. Participated in International Conference on “Renewable Energy Research & Education” 9th & 10th February, 2018 conducted by Faculty of Sciences, Government College (A), Rajamahendravaram and presented a paper on “The Upcoming Energy Revolution-Green Energy”.
46.Participated in International Conference on “Materials for Energy and Environmental Protection (ICMEEP) ” 12th & 13th February, 2018 conducted by Department of Physics, Chemistry and Electronics, SIR CR Reddy college (Aided & Autonomous), Eluru and presented a paper on “Global Warming-Environmental Protection” and “Solar Energy in India-Present and Future”.
47. Participated in the UGC Sponsored State level Seminar on “Quality Improvement-Learning outcomes” on 15th September, 2018 conducted by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Ideal College of Arts and Science, Kakinada and presented a paper on “Role of ICT in Teaching Learning process”.
48. Participated in the UGC Sponsored One day International Seminar on “Nanotechnology for the Future Energy Challenges (NFTFEC)” on 18th December, 2018 conducted by Department of Physics & Chemistry, P.B. Siddhartha College of Arts & Science and presented a paper on “Role of Carbon Nanotubes in Energy Storage Devices”.
49. Participated in the UGC Sponsored Two day National Seminar on “A Study on Interaction between Human Society and Natural Environment including Natural Resource Management” on 24th & 25th January, 2019 conducted by Departments of Chemistry, Physics & Bio Sciences, Ideal College of Arts and Science, Kakinada and presented a paper on “Present and Future Trends of Renewable Energy in India”.
50. Participated in the UGC Sponsored One day National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Students Anti Social Behaviour- Implications for the Future of Education” on 19th December, 2018 conducted by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), VSR & NVR College (A), Tenali and presented a paper on “Role of a Teacher in Classroom Management”.
51. Participated in the UGC Sponsored One day National Seminar on “Empowerment of Women: Recent Trends & Challenges” on 8th February, 2019 conducted by Women Development Cell, SIR CR Reddy College (A), Eluru and presented a paper on “Role of Women in Science & Technology”.
52. Participated in the UGC Sponsored One day National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Materials Science” on 14th February, 2019 conducted by Department of Physics, JKC College, Guntur and presented a paper on “Role of Nanomaterials in Energy Storage Devices”.
53. Participated in the UGC Sponsored One day National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Materials Science” on 25th February, 2019 conducted by Department of Physics, DNR College (A), Bhimavaram and presented a paper on “Energy Storage Materials for Supercapacitors “and “Present Environmental Issues in India”.
54. Participated in World Ocean Science Congress 2019 (WOSC) on 25-27 February, 2019 conducted by Department of Meteorology & Oceanography and Vijnana Bharathi at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and presented a paper on “Relation between Heat Budget Components and Indian Summer Monsoon”.
55. Participated in Annual Monsoon-2018 workshop and Prof.Dr. Sikka Memorial National Symposium on “Role of weather & climate observations and forecasting on increasing agricultural productivity & risk management” on 28-30 March, 2019 organised by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), PUNE.
56. Organised & Participated in the RUSA Sponsored One day National Workshop on “Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy Resources “on 3rd August, 2019 conducted by Department of Physics, Sri Y.N.College, Narsapur.
57. Participated in the RUSA Sponsored One day National Seminar on “Digitalization-Issues & Challenges” on 14th November, 2019 conducted by Department of Management Studies, Dr Cs Rao PG centre & IQAC, Sri Y N College, Narsapur and presented a paper on “Digitalization of Education in India-A new Era”.
58. Participated in the UGC Sponsored Two Day National Seminar on “Recent trends an Challenges in Geo-sciences: Sustainable Management of Environment and Geo-Resources” on 29th and 30th November, 2019 conducted by Department of Geology, Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamahendravaram, and delivered an invited talk on “Environmental pollution in India: Causes, effects and Protection”.
59. Participated in the IMS Sponsored National Symposium on “Land, Ocean and Atmosphere Interactive Processes in the Context of Weather and Climate” on 11th -14th December, 2019 organised by Department meteorology & Oceanography, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, and presented a paper on “Analysis And Prediction of Thunderstorms over Andhra Pradesh”.
60. Organised & Participated in the RUSA Sponsored One day National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Climatic Changes-An Alarming Issue” on 21st December, 2019 Organised by Department of Physics, Sri Y N College, Narsapur and presented a paper on “Climatic Changes in India-An Overview” and “ Climate Change-The Affecting India”.
61. Participated in the One day International webinar on “Impacts of ICT in Education system” on 5th June, 2020 Organised by sadar Patel College of administration and management and presented a paper on “Use of ICT tools during lockdown period”.
62. Participated in the Two Days International Webinar / Virtual seminar on “Environmental issues for India and The World during COVID 19 Times: Threats and Opportunities” Organised by University Department of History Patliputra University, Patna on 5th & 6th June, 2020 and Presented Paper Entitled” Impact of COVID 19 on Indian Economy.
63. Participated in One day National E-conference on “Environmental Challenges, problems & remedies” on 12th June, 2020 organised by Department of geography, Shivshakti arts and Commerce College, Yavatmal.
64. Participated in the National level Online Seminar on “Environmental Degradation and Disasters in India” on 18th – 19th June, 2020 organised by Department of Geography, Borholla College, Borholla and presented a paper entitled on “Recent Disasters over India in 2019”.
65. Participated in one day International e-Conference on “Ethical and Quality Aspects in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research” (ICEQANNR-2020) organized by Department of Physics, Vasantrao Naik Art’s, Commerce and Science College, Shahada in collaboration with Kavayitri Bhahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon on 20th June 2020 and presented a paper entitled “Nanotechnology: Looking at Nanoparticles”.
66. Participated in International E-Conference on “ Recent Advances in Physics: A Promise to Society” (IC-RAPPS) 2020 organised by Govt PG college, Bazpur, Uttarakhand on 24-25 June, 2020.
67. Participated in the International E-Conference On Emerging Advances in Mathematical and Physical Sciences (IECEAMPS) June 28-30, 2020 Jointly organized By Department of Mathematics and Physics Hindu College, Moradabad presented a paper entitled “Renewable Energy Resources in India”.
68. Participated in the National Interdisciplinary E-conference on “Covid 19 and Migration” on 5th July, 2020 organised by the Milind College of Arts Nagsenvana, Aurangabad and presented a paper titled “Imapct of covid 19 on the environment”.
69. Participated in the International Interdisciplinary E-Conference on “Computer Technology, Commerce & Management Studies (IICCTCMS)” on 10-11 July, 2020 conducted by PG Department of Computer Science, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai and presented a paper on “Disaster management in India: Prevention, Mitigation & Preparedness”.
70. Participated in the International Virtual Conference on Advanced Materials (IVCAM 2020) held on 14th July 2020 organised by Department of Physics organized K. L. E. Society’s Basavaprabhu Kore Arts, Science and Commerce College Chikodi.
71. Participated in the Two Day International e – Conference on “Covid 19 Impact on Environment and Human health” on 18th 19th July, 2020 Organised by Department of environmental science, Osmania University, Hyderabad and presented a Paper entitled “Environmental Impact of COVID 19”.
72. Participated in the online International conference on “Advanced Materials” held on 20th July 2020, Organised by IQAC & Department of Physics, K.L.E. Society’s P.C. Jabin Science College, Hubballi, Karnataka and presented a paper entitled “Role of Nanomaterials in Nanotechnology”
73. Participated in the International Conference (Online) on “Green Technology & Sustainable Development” on July 24, 2020 conducted by Jagannath University, Jaipur
and presented an abstract on the topic “Green Energy Technologies”.
74. Participated In The Three Day International Virtual Conference On Impact Of Chemical Disasters On Biota (ICDB- 2020)” on 24th – 26th July 2020 Organised By Andhra University, Visakhapatnam And Andhra Pradesh Akademi Of Sciences. And Presented A Poster Entitled “Renewable Energy Technologies: Future Roadmap”.
75. Attending the International Conference on “Global Economic Order in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies” on July 25, 2020 organised by Under the Aegis of IQAC, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Delhi and presenting the paper titled
“Higher Education Sector in India in the Post COVID-19 Era: Issues and Challenges”.
76. Participated in One Day online Interdisciplinary International Conference on “The Impact of Globalization on Contemporary Literature, Environment and Society” organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Marutirao Harirao Mahadik Arts & Commerce College, Modnimb, Solapur (Ms), India on 15th July 2020 and presented a research paper entitled “Role of ICT in Open and Distance mode in Teaching Learning Process”.
77. Participated in the AICTE Sponsored International E- Conference on Innovation in Rural Empowerment, Social Dynamics & Welfare in India on 15th September, 2020 organised by Department of Management Studies, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamil Nadu and presented a paper titled as “ Biodiversity in India: Threats and Conservation”.
78. Participated in the First International Virtual Conference on Nanomaterials, FIVCON-2020, 10th–12th September, 2020 organized by Dept. of Nanotechnology, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, and presented Poster Presentation entitled “Positive effect of Nanotechnology on Global Warming”
79. Participated in Three day International e-Conference on Multidisciplinary Education Systems: Transforming India into Digital Economy on 23rd -25th September, 2020 organised by IQAC & Department of Business Management Nizam College, Hyderabad and presented a paper entitled “Impact of Technology in Teaching Programs.
80. Participated in the Two Week Online workshop on “Thin film and Nanomaterials (IWTN – 2021)” organized by the Department of Physics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai in Association with Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) during 09.08.2021 – 20.08.2021.
81. Participated in One day Multidisciplinary International e-Conference on Ecology, Economy, Emerging technology and People for Sustainable Livelihood in SAARC Countries (EEETPSLSC-2022) on 28th January, 2022 organised by IQAC & Department University of Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, department of computer Science and presented a paper entitled “Climate Change Impacts on Green Energy Technologies.