- Participated in the National level online Workshop on Secure data Storage visualization for Agile Development in large –Scale organizations Organised by Department of computer science (UG&PG) on 4th September, 2021, Sri Y. N. College, Narsapur.
02 Participated in The National online workshop on Research Methodology in Chemical
Sciences Organised by Department of chemistry(UG & PG),on 09-Sep-2021, Sri Y.N.
College, Narsapur.
03.Participated in the National level online Workshop on Nanomaterials Organized by
Departments of Physics in Association with IQAC on 12th November, 2021, Sri Y. N.
College , Narsapur.
- Participated in the National Webinar on “Effects of Global Warming and Climate
Change” Organized by Department of Physics & Chemistry, Sri DNR Government
Degree College, Palakol, on 12-Nov-2021.
- Participated in the National Webinar on “Blooms Taxonomy for OBE” conducted by
the Department of English, Hindu College, Guntur, on 28th march 2022.
- Participated in the National Webinar on “Future with Renewable Energy–Challenges
& Opportunities” Organized by Department of Physics in Association with
IQAC on 11th May,2022
Ornanised Seminars/Workshops:
Organised One Day National Online Workshop on “Nanostructured Materials”, 12th November, 2022, 11 PM to 1.30 PM Organized by Department of Physics, Sri Y.N.College (A), Narsapur in association with IQAC.
2020-2021 (DURING LACKDOWN PERIOD- Month-wise)
- Participated in One week Faculty Development Programme on “Professional Ethics& NAAC Revised Accreditation Framework” Organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) from 18th to 23rd Oct,2021.