Comparision of the absorption characterstics of coloured dissolved organic matter between river and wave dominated distributaries of Godavari estuary,India.Journal of Earth System Science (2021) 130 106.
Variation of hydrochemical parameters with reference to geomorphological features in Godavari estuary,India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol.49(1),Janauary 2020,pp 24-33.
The impact of shrimp pond effluents on water quality of Vasishta Godavari estuary with respect to to brackishwater aquaculture, East Coast of India.Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries.Vol.23(3) : 245-255 (2019).
Studies on water quality parameters of Vasishta Godavari estuary, East Coast of AndhraPradesh.India. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied BioSciences.8(1),390-403(2020).
Environmental Impact of shrimp pond effluents on water quality and phytoplankton biomass in a tropical mangrove estuary. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection.
Assessing the impact of shrimp farming on the water quality of Vasishta Godavari estuary, East Coast of India.Under Review.
Other Activities
Participated in a one-day national workshop on “ADVANCED RESEARCH IN CHEMICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE” on 2nd December 2019.