
Dr. K S V Ranga Rao


The School of Distance Education, formerly School of correspondence Courses of Andhra University, was established on 1st July 1972 with the objective of increasing access of higher education to disadvantaged sections of the society. A student who is enrolled into this school studies the same syllabi and is awarded the same degree as in the case of regular students of this university. The student support services of the school like orientation programmes, week-end and personal contact classes enable the learners to become highly competent.

Sri Y N College is having the AU Distance Education Study Centre which provides information for students to apply for UG and PG courses to pursue their studies on distance mode. Those who are pursuing their studies through distance mode they can write their year-end exams in Sri Y N College as Examination Centre. Dr K S V Ranga Rao, Head, Department of Politics is designated as Coordinator for this Centre, has been working actively to provide information and to guide the distance mode students in and around Narsapur.

In the year 1993 a Study Centre was established in our college by the Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Since then about 300 students have been appearing for the each entrance examination every year and most of them are getting qualified to join in Degree course.

In the year 1998, Andhra University accorded permission to pursue Post Graduate Studies through distance mode and appearing for examinations in our Centre.

Contact Us

Dr. K S V Ranga Rao, Coordinator
School of Distance Education Centre
Sri Y N College(Autonomous)
Narasapur West Godavari District
Andra Pradesh – 543275
Email Id:,
Contact No: 9440832144
Timing: Evening (4:00 PM – 5:00 PM)