Sri M V Subrahmanyam

About the Library:

The PG Library of Sri Y N College is equipped to meet essential academic and intellectual needs of its users. It is spacious, spread on two floors and has been renovated to make it more user friendly. Open access system, Spacious reading rooms provide an atmosphere conducive to study.

It is well stocked and collection consists of more than 22,535 books. Collection is continuously updated with changes in curriculum. It subscribes many newspapers and magazines.

It is member of N-LIST (a programme of INFLIBNET) to provide remote access to users to huge number of e-resource. Library is Wi-Fi enabled for internet connectivity. Many CD’s and DVD’s are also available in library collection.

Library Rules:

Library Membership: The membership of the College Library is open for all the bonafide students, teachers and non-teaching staff of the College. The Library card is non-transferable.

Library Timings: The College Library is open Six days a week (Monday to Saturday). Timings are 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM excluding Sundays and Gazetted holidays.

Lending services 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM.

Admission to the College Library: While entering the Library, the user has to show his/her valid Identity Card/Library card at the Entrance Gate Private books and personal belongings are not allowed inside the Library. The students may keep their bags and belongings (except valuable items such as money, passport, credit/debit cards/mobile phones, laptops etc.) at the Property Counter outside the Library and get a token issued from there, which has to be surrendered to the Property Counter staff at the time of leaving the Library for getting back the belongings deposited there. In the event of loss of the token, the user has to pay admissible fine.