The Department of Biotechnology was established in 1999 to produce undergraduates to cater the needs of human resource required in Industries, National laboratories, R & D Labs, Pharmaceutical companies and Higher Education Institutes in India and abroad. The faculty has diverse background in subjects like Molecular Biology, Biostatistics, Biochemistry, Genetics etc. The enthusiastic teachers of this Department prepares students to pursue their higher studies and get employed in the highly competitive job market. It imparts value addition courses to all students. It conducts seminars and takes students on industrial visits. The curriculum is updated according to the changing environment in industry and Commerce through board of studies with eminent members.
Sri G.Sam Babu got registered for Ph.D at Jawarlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUK), Kakinada.” Micro RNA delivery using green synthesis Nanotechnology for cancer treatment” is the title.
Sri G.Sam Babu was selected for Refresher courses on Experimental Biology: Orthodox to Modern conducted by PG & Research, Department of Botany, St. Joseph’s College (A), Tiruchirappali, Tamilnadu from 7th to 19th, November, 2016.